This article originally appeared on CNN After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates have Tweeted out their decision to divorce. Why would two people in a long-standing marriage — a union that has seen the couple through the making of billions, and the establishment of one of the world’s largest foundations — decide to part ways? In most marriages, after decades together, we … [Read more...]
To The Mom Who Was Blindsided By Divorce
This blog was originally posted here. Since my divorce about four years ago, I’ve learned more about myself and life than I did during my first 41 years of life. I was with the same man for almost 20 years. I hadn’t worked outside the home for almost 14. I had a cushy, comfortable life that was literally gone with one conversation. I remember being paralyzed with fear … [Read more...]
Barbara Cole on The Jennifer Hargrave Show
Barbara shares her experience in helping families through the divorce process over the past 37 years on The Jennifer Hargrave Show. … [Read more...]
Obedience to God’s Will of Love
This is a meditation originally written by Richard Rohr. I have been a fan of Richard Rohr for many years. You can find the original article here. Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister is a theologian, author, and speaker, whose wisdom and approach to social justice I take very seriously. I offer you these encouraging words from her about what it means to work for the common … [Read more...]
Financial Tips and Advice for Women in a Divorce
This article originally appeared on Women often fare worse financially after a divorce than men do for several reasons. In heterosexual marriages where both the man and woman are employed, the man out earns the woman 77.8 percent of the time, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.1 This means that post-divorce, many women … [Read more...]
One Way Happy Couples Argue That Differs From Ordinary Couples
This article was originally posted on Forbes Conflict is a part of any couple relationship even with the happiest couples with a long history. Typical issues include money, sex, children, in-laws and intimacy. The pandemic has added another layer of tension to many couple relationships. It might sound conflicting (no pun intended), but a long-standing body of marital research … [Read more...]
How Do You Divorce With Grace?
What does grace mean in the context of divorce? The first answer to that question is feeling at peace with your decision. That doesn’t mean there won’t be pain or difficulties associated with that decision, but grace is the confidence that comes from knowing that you’ve chosen wisely. No one wants to repeatedly stop and start … [Read more...]
A message from Barbara Cole and the Cole Law Firm staff
I pray you and your family are safe and following protocols during these challenging times. I want you to know that we continue to provide full services to our clients. Here are a few things to know: We provide secure online communications and data storage for your sensitive personal information through our provider Uptime Legal Systems. This technology decision allows us to … [Read more...]