Law, Money, and Values in Legal Dispute Resolution and Human Conflict Resolution Practice is a seminar that will be held April 20, 2018, at the Loyola Law School in New Orleans.
This seminar was created out of Pauline Tesler’s commitment to academic work for lawyers and people in helping professions. The seminar will attempt to help attorneys and others in attendance to better understand the difference between legal dispute resolution and human conflict resolution.
Pauline Tesler is a world-renowned educator in the field of Collaborative Divorce, Dispute Resolution, and Legal and Human Dispute Resolution. Pauline has taught more than 6,000 people all over the world. She is now going to be anchored at Loyola Law School in New Orleans. A post-graduate program for lawyers, corporate leaders, and community leaders is being created to help them understand how to navigate through disputes, to bring the temperature down, and get to the point where we are a helping profession and a healing profession as lawyers.
When looking at the statistics and science, it shows the harm that is being done to children and families.
There are three major healing professions. There are theologians. There are doctors. And there are lawyers. All are healing professions in their own way. However, certainly as lawyers, we’ve gotten away from being healers. When looking at the statistics and science, it shows the harm that is being done to children and families. This is particularly true when we run to the courthouse and are ramping things up for a litigated divorce. It also creates a tremendous amount of financial pressure on families. A better job of balancing the financial and emotional burden for those clients we serve has to be done.
The most important thing is to understand the variety of skill sets that have recently emerged. Particularly, over the last 20 to 30 years. First, we were shown Mediation. Then we were shown Collaboration. These are personal skill sets, not just professional skill sets. So that when engaging a client, we have a better ability to evaluate what is needed and can guide that client through a conflict resolution scheme. Instead of immediately saying ‘Let’s go to court’.
The April 20, 21, and 22 weekend of the seminar is also a very special weekend for New Orleans.
It is the kickoff weekend for the 300th Birthday of New Orleans, the Tricentennial. Tall Ships from around the world will be in the Mississippi River and on Lake Pontchartrain. The Money, Law, and Values group has been able to make special arrangements with the Marriott Hotel on the river. All of our rooms for this event face the Mississippi River. So that all of our people can see these wonderful ships coming into the river.
The hotel is the Marriott in downtown New Orleans and the seminar is being held at the Loyola Law School. The fun part is, you can catch a streetcar and ride it down St. Charles Avenue right to the Loyola Law School campus. We will have a Cafe Du Monde coffee food truck waiting for you, along with a lot of other joy and happiness.
This is coming up on April the 20th in New Orleans.
Money, Law, and Values in Legal Dispute Resolution and Human Conflict Resolution practice with Pauline Tesler. For more information and to register click here. We hope to see you there!