I pray you and your family are safe and following protocols during these challenging times.
I want you to know that we continue to provide full services to our clients. Here are a few things to know:
We provide secure online communications and data storage for your sensitive personal information through our provider Uptime Legal Systems. This technology decision allows us to serve our clients from anywhere. We have been doing this for over 10 years.
We are now using Zoom video conferencing to have secure face to face meetings with clients as well as negotiating agreements, depositions and addressing most aspects of your case.
All court systems are pressed to function within the Constitution and the Family Code. Agreements between parties make room for more serious cases of abuse of others and property. Our courts and Judges are working to make your access to the courts viable and efficient. That said, we are in different times and patience along with good decision making is required.
Family Court Judges appreciate parties who work together to find solutions. It is recognized that not everyone gets everything they want, especially at trial. The mutuality of working for the children in their best interests and honoring the division of property as just is paramount.
I have trained in Collaborative Divorce Practice for over 20 years. The need to use collaborative skill sets at this time is paramount to assist families in transition and to assist the courts in their paradigm shift. We are also able to conduct collaborative joint meetings by Zoom and to keep your case on track.
I am committed to continuing our practice of fostering healthy relationships during divorce for our clients and to working to be efficient in our representation. Our decisions concerning protected and remote technology usage and collaborative and mediation skill sets are here to serve you. Please let me know if we can help.
Further, if you are experience unique issues and need to consult, please let me know.